The customer is a first-generation venture company based in Korea, with a focus on domestic IT solutions. They are seeking to introduce an AI chatbot to their online customer center to enhanced customer support.

As IT company transitions from an installation-based groupware business to a cloud-based platform, it struggled to provide personalized support to the growing number of small business users. The sheer volume of unpredictable customer questions is overwhelming, and managing support requests manually risks burning out your support staff and hurting customer satisfaction.

With Alli chatbot it analyze patterns and understand customer needs. It also provides personalized attention through manned counseling intervention during conversations, making support scalable and efficient. Alli's easy-to-use input form and variable value setting function enable businesses to create multiple skills and scenarios for error-solving and task automation.

Alli's ability to handle a large volume of support requests, automate tasks, and provide personalized support is unmatched by other chatbots on the market. It ultimately result in increased customer satisfaction, improved brand recognition, and a stronger bottom line.Alli's easy-to-use input form and variable value setting function enable businesses to create multiple skills and scenarios for error-solving and task automation.